Campus Calendar

2nd place, HackPSU Spring 2024.

The number of events on campus can be overwhelming. The Campus Calendar app finds what’s going on across the community and serves personalized recommendations in an iOS app and React Native web app.

Built with Swift UI, React.js, Gemini, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and SQL. Hosted with GitHub, Cloudflare, and Oracle Cloud.

Project Writeup (

Perfect Portion

1st place, HackPSU Fall 2023.

A nutrition tracking app with an AI twist. The Perfect Portion iOS app uses machine vision to identify serving size and nutrition information from just a picture of a meal. Built with Swift UI, Node.js, and GPT-3.5-Turbo, using GitHub and Oracle Cloud.

Project Writeup (

Daily Collegian article (

Meet & Eat

1st place, HackPSU Spring 2023.

No more eating alone. The Meet & Eat iOS app intelligently creates and matches dining groups based on student schedules. Built with Swift UI and Google Firebase.

Project Writeup (

Club Circle

1st place, HackPSU Fall 2022.

Interest-based club idea generation and recommendation via a fully modeled interactive web experience. Simply input your preferences, and the Club Circle website does the rest. Built with Bootstrap Studio, GPT-3, and Flask.

Project Writeup (

In 2023, I rebased my site from Bootstrap Studio to Hugo hosted on GitHub Pages. This gave me a greater degree of freedom over my content, made updating my website much easier, and enabled me to use free software instead of proprietary solutions.